The recent attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been making headlines every day. Following a lengthy manhunt, the Mumbai police arrested thirty-year-old Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir – a Bangladeshi national, for allegedly breaking into actor Saif Ali Khan’s residence. Now, reports suggest that fingerprints collected from Saif’s house don’t match with Shehzad’s prints. Moreover, social media users argue that the Shehzad’s face does not resemble the man caught leaving the actor’s abode on CCTV.
As reported by NDTV, according to sources, Mumbai Police sent the fingerprints found at Saif’s home to the fingerprint bureau of the state Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Now, a system-generated report establishes that the prints do not match Shezad’s. As per sources, the CID has informed Mumbai Police that the test result is negative. Following this, Mumbai Police has sent more samples for further testing.
Moreover, an officer also talked about the issue with the Telegraph. The officer stated that “a preliminary report” found a fingerprint match. The officer added, “More samples have been sent for further testing and we are still awaiting the final fingerprint report. A preliminary report had shown a match with the arrested accused.”
Meanwhile, previously the police stated that found evidence emphasising that Shehzad is a Bangladeshi national who crossed over illegally. Addressing a press conference, Dikshit Gedam, DCP, Crime Branch Mumbai revealed the details. “There is primary evidence to anticipate that the accused is a Bangladeshi. He does not have valid Indian documents. Some seizures indicate that he is a Bangladeshi national.”
Following his arrest, Dikshit Gedam rebuffed the difference in appearance between the man on CCTV and Shehzad. He said, “The questions being raised over the difference between the facial features of the arrested person and the one in the footage are totally rubbish. “The media has only two pieces of footage of the accused, which had been released earlier. We have several videos of him from different angles, including some in high resolution, which clearly establish the identity of the accused.”
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Saif Ali Khan suffered six injuries during his scuffle with the intruder in his Mumbai abode. During the confrontation, the perpetrator stabbed the actor. A doctor from the hospital revealed that the actor suffered six injuries with one being very close to his spine. As per the FIR by Saif’s house staff, the thief was first seen in Jeh’s room. Upon confrontation, he demanded Rs 1 crore.